Get Room Custom Properties In Lobby

Hi guys, I want to get the properties of a room when I'm in lobby. I'm sure that the properties are setted to show on lobby with adding a string to it.
But, at the moment to get this properties instantiating with the RoomInfo class, it seems to be empty.
This is the code I use to create a new room:
 if (IF.text.Length > 0 && IF.text.Length <= 20)
            int PlayerAmount = Int32.Parse(PlayerField.text);
            RoomOptions roompos = new RoomOptions()
                IsVisible = true, IsOpen = true, MaxPlayers = (byte)PlayerAmount
            roompos.CustomRoomProperties = new ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable();
            roompos.CustomRoomProperties.Add("OnlineArray", BehaviourModel.OnlineArray);
            roompos.CustomRoomProperties.Add("PlayerLock", ScoreScript.PlayerLock);
            roompos.CustomRoomProperties.Add("PlayerDic", WinPanelS.PlayerDic);
            if (!PrivacyB.Privacy)
                if (PI.text.Length > 5)
                    Password = PI.text;
                    roompos.CustomRoomProperties.Add("Password", Password);
                    HavePass = true;
                roompos.CustomRoomProperties.Add("Password", null);
            string[] Property = new string[] { "Password" };
            roompos.CustomRoomPropertiesForLobby = Property;
            PhotonNetwork.CreateRoom(IF.text, roompos);
And this is the code to get them:
RoomName = T.text;
        Has.Add("Password", CreateRoomS.Password);
        R = new RoomInfo(RoomName,);
        if (R.CustomProperties["Password"] == null)
            Password = (string)R.CustomProperties["Password"];
            Protector.GetComponent<Animator>().SetBool("Show", true);
            LockPanel.GetComponent<Animator>().SetBool("Show", true);
            IsByB = true;