PhotonNetwork.Instantiate returns always the same localposition

Hello, I have a very strange issue and I don't know how to correct it.
I have an array in which I have different gameObect with different position in my screen. But when loop in my array and instantiate a new game object using the localposition of gameobject in my array, all new game objects instantiated have the same localposition : the first position in the array.

                for (int l = 0; l < 2; l++)
                    for (int c = 0; c < 8; c++)
                       //my positions are in this array
                        position = Humain.plateauHumain[l, c];
                        //Position.transform.localPosition here are different for each element

                        //I instantiate new gameobject using this previous position
                        GameObject trou = PhotonNetwork.Instantiate(, position.transform.localPosition, Quaternion.identity, 0);
                        //Position of trou here is always the same, the first position in the array.
                        view = trou.GetComponent<PhotonView>().viewID;
                        gi = trou.GetComponent<GestionInteraction>();
                        gi.MajPositionTrou(view,,, l, c);
Please do you know how to correct it ?