Random join not working anymore for one of my app ID

I am in a situation where PhotonNetwork.JoinRandomRoom () is not working anymore for one of my app ID but working for other ID in the same game. Here is an Image of my problem.


Also I want to purchase the 100 CCU Plan but I only have a Debit Card, is there a way to make payment using that ? I tried to make payment using my friend's credit card but it always show me a Payment verification error. Please help.


  • Hi @Divyansh,

    Can you confirm that there is at least one room available and you are allowed to join it? The room options IsOpen and IsVisible have to be set to true. Also implementing the fail case callback might be helpful. You can do this by adding void OnPhotonRandomJoinFailed(object[] codeAndMsg) to your code whereat codeAndMsg[0] is short ErrorCode and codeAndMsg[1] is string debug msg. Please check what the debug message states.

    The 100 CCU plan is PUN+ which you can get from the Asset Store. I'm pretty sure that they are accepting credit cards as payment method. Please make sure to use correct information from the credit card itself. If this error still occurs you have to contact the Asset Store's support team directly.
  • Divyansh
    @Christian_Simon Thanks for replying.

    I have void OnPhotonRandomJoinFailed(object[] msg) in my code but it is not being called nither I can connect to a room. I have a log statement just above where I call the random join function and inside the OnPhotonRandomJoinFailed callback, please help.

    There is something wrong with joining a specific room too, when I try to join a room with a single player inside it , it joins the room. But it doesn't work for the room with more than one people in it.

    If it helps to understand my problem, here is my game.

  • Sorry for the late response, have been sick at home the last week.

    I have void OnPhotonRandomJoinFailed(object[] msg) in my code but it is not being called

    This should be called if you are using PhotonNetwork.JoinRandomRoom() and no random room is available to join. You have mentioned that you also have Debug Logs before using PhotonNetwork.JoinRandomRoom(). I guess those are being called, aren't they?

    There is something wrong with joining a specific room too, when I try to join a room with a single player inside it , it joins the room. But it doesn't work for the room with more than one people in it.

    When initially creating the room, do you use room options with 'MaxPlayers' set to two or do you use default values which would be four players max?