Strange problem with RaiseEvent


I have a strange error with PUN.

I use RaiseEvents, but there is one working bad, I use raiseevents like this:

//The "content" array(I modify it from the unity inspector)
public int[] content = new int[] { 0 };

//I put a "PhotonNetwork.OnEventCall += this.OnEvent;" so I receive the events
void Awake()
    PhotonNetwork.OnEventCall += this.OnEvent;

//The void where I receive the events
private void OnEvent(byte eventcode, object content, int senderid)
    if (eventcode == 0)
        PhotonPlayer sender = PhotonPlayer.Find(senderid);  // who sent this?
        byte[] selected = (byte[])content;
        foreach (byte unitId in selected)
           Debug.Log(sender + " sent me the event " + eventcode + " containing " + selected[0].ToString());

//I call this void from an UI button in the unity scene
public void iLoveButtons(){

byte evCode = 0;
bool reliable = true;
PhotonNetwork.RaiseEvent(evCode, content, reliable, null);
Debug.Log("¿Sent? + "  + content[0].ToString());

The problem is that I click the button, it's sended well, in console shows up that I sent the value I putted in the inspector of unity(70), but, in the other site the content[0] received is 0, then I send it again but from the other side, and it also shows up the received content[0] is 0, then I change the number in the inspector of the initial side(to 100), I send it again from the initial side, and the other side receives the number sent before(70).
I tried some different "configurations" but I think the code it's organized well.

Any suggestion?