Area Cull bug? Player Desync

I have an ongoing issue where a player transitioning between grid coordinates on the area cull would just completely desync. The two players testing would be well within range of each other, the whole situation works perfectly until, say, both players shared the same grid, then a player moved to the neighbouring grid, desyncs, even if he re enters the same grid again, sync was broken until the desync player leaves listen range and re enters.

its a relative small scale 3rdp-shooter, i divided the world into about 25 grid, with the goal that the player would only read roughly 25% of the map.
I'm incredibly new to AreaCull, but it seemed very simple attach script and go, did i miss anything??

Setup CullArea
Assign "AreaCullAgents" (forgot the name of the script to attach to player)


  • Hi @Derenger,

    we had a bug with that script in a previous version. Which PUN version do you currently use? If it's not the latest (currently 1.86) please update and check if it works afterwards. If it doesn't work with the latest version, please get back to us so we can find a solution.
  • Derenger
    Well I'm an idiot. I didn't check the version I HAD, but I did click the big update button.
    I'll re implement and be back tomorrow if it doesn't work. Thanks!