problem in running Photon-Android_v3-0-1-1_SDK


I have downloaded the Photon-Android_v3-0-1-1_SDK and use the loadbalancing demo to connect the cloud server. However, the demo always crashed in a few seconds after startup. Below is the error log in LogCat:

10-25 18:32:59.815: V/RUN(1027): i=4
10-25 18:32:59.815: V/RUN(1027): loadBalancingPeer
10-25 18:32:59.815: V/AP(1027): onUpdateTraffic Begin
10-25 18:32:59.815: V/APC(1027): ConnectedToMaster
10-25 18:32:59.815: V/AP(1027): getCurrentActivity Begin
10-25 18:32:59.815: V/AP(1027): onUpdateTraffic End
10-25 18:32:59.815: V/MM(1027): updateTrafficStats Begin
10-25 18:32:59.815: V/AP(1027): getClient Begin
10-25 18:32:59.835: V/RUN(1027): i=5
10-25 18:32:59.835: W/dalvikvm(1027): threadid=7: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x4001d800)
10-25 18:32:59.845: E/AndroidRuntime(1027): FATAL EXCEPTION: Thread-8
10-25 18:32:59.845: E/AndroidRuntime(1027): java.lang.ClassCastException: [Ljava.lang.Byte;
10-25 18:32:59.845: E/AndroidRuntime(1027): at de.exitgames.client.photon.PeerBase.deriveSharedKey(
10-25 18:32:59.845: E/AndroidRuntime(1027): at de.exitgames.client.photon.PeerBase.deserializeMessageAndCallback(
10-25 18:32:59.845: E/AndroidRuntime(1027): at de.exitgames.client.photon.EnetPeer.dispatchIncomingCommands(
10-25 18:32:59.845: E/AndroidRuntime(1027): at de.exitgames.client.photon.PhotonPeer.dispatchIncomingCommands(
10-25 18:32:59.845: E/AndroidRuntime(1027): at de.exitgames.client.photon.PhotonPeer.service(
10-25 18:32:59.845: E/AndroidRuntime(1027): at
10-25 18:32:59.845: E/AndroidRuntime(1027): at

the demo will crash in 1 second after connected to master server. And I found it crashed at calling the function:

Can anyone help on this??

PS: I have changed the this.appId to my cloud account.


  • Kaiserludi
    Hi Martin.
    This has been a bug in the Client SDK and has just been fixed in version
    Please update.
  • Hi,

    I have downloaded the new SDK and it works fine!

    Thanks a lot!