Unable to accept license term in photon chat filter


I want to user photon chat filters. For now I am in free tier.

when I press "Agree" in the "Acceptance of photon license terms" page, It redirects me to a page Saying

"Sorry, apparently we have a broken part in our page.

An e-mail has just been sent to the person who can fix this and it should be corrected shortly.

Try browsing our homepage meanwhile."

In this condition, Is there a way to use photon chat filter service?


  • chvetsov

    hi, @micheldas71

    Unfortunately I can not answer on this question. Right now most of the team on vacation so, this issue will be fixed after NY.

    Please write e-mail to developer@photonengine.com so, that you will be answered when the issue is resolved



  • @chvetsov

    Thank you for the response.

    Just sent an email, Hope it will be fixed soon.

  • Tobias

    It should be fixed by now.