We get this error when we access our game on a corporate network, why?


I am not sure why game fails when we access via a corporate envireoment - works fine else where. Any guidance appreciated.

Best Answer

  • Tobias
    Tobias admin
    Answer ✓

    It also seems that the deprecation warning is an error, you may want to check that out

    It is just a warning and still works. We updated the client to avoid the warning but this is using a slightly older version.

    I am not sure why game fails when we access via a corporate envireoment - works fine else where.

    Likely there is a corporate firewall. This is more likely in environments where security plays a bigger role. Please get in touch via mail to: developer@photonengine.com and let us know the used AppId.


  • Is the port being used elsewhere?

    Log the error in OnDisconnected and see if anything helps

    It also seems that the deprecation warning is an error, you may want to check that out

  • Melvin


  • Tobias
    Tobias admin
    Answer ✓

    It also seems that the deprecation warning is an error, you may want to check that out

    It is just a warning and still works. We updated the client to avoid the warning but this is using a slightly older version.

    I am not sure why game fails when we access via a corporate envireoment - works fine else where.

    Likely there is a corporate firewall. This is more likely in environments where security plays a bigger role. Please get in touch via mail to: developer@photonengine.com and let us know the used AppId.

  • Melvin

    Thanks i will email as suggested. It is as you say a firewall issue. Appreciate it.