Switch from Photon cloud to Photon server , need code to change or not ?

edited August 2022 in Photon Server

Hi , I built my game with photon cloud for fast build and testing I am using photon cloud and regions like ( EU- US - Asia ) , this regions you know.

Right now I bought a server on U.A.E, So i want to use self hosted or my own server with photon server license , so my question is :-

is it just about ip address and some license and the game will work the same ?

Or i need to rewrite my whole scripts and code from scratch , thanks


  • Meep
    Meep ✭✭✭
    edited August 2022

    Your actual code for your game will work yes, nothing needs changing there.

    Some things which are different on Photon Server:

    • AppVersion no longer separates players unless you give it the ability.
    • The server has a built-in rate limiter called the InboundController for operations which; in some situations, conflict with the rates inside of your game. Note that this influences things like SetProperties and RaiseEvent. But this can be tweaked even without modifying server code.
    • Sometimes the client libraries will attempt to use cluster sharding even though your Photon Server does not support it, for example the client may try to connect to eu/* but the region will be unknown to your server. But this largely depends on your methodology of connecting to the server in the first place.
    • Websocket Secure requires your own SSL certificates if you are building for that protocol maybe for Webgl.

    Everything here is fixable in a few seconds though.

  • free license photon server is for development only ?

    where this mentioned in the docs?

  • chvetsov

    Free license allows only 100 CCU. so if your goal is just that...



  • Can i upload the game on steam with free license ?

  • chvetsov

    hi, @MostafaYahia

    please send all your licensing question to developer@photonengine.com



  • Hi , sorry for stupid question , But I need to ask

    My client has a ready server on Dubai , as he says He prepared it for photon already , So All I have to do is just enter the server IP address and port in Pun2 settings then join like photon cloud , right ?

    I don't need to do any other thing

  • chvetsov

    hi, @MostafaYahia

    yes, you have to enter IP and port. Also I would check configuration of game server in deploy LoadBalancing/GameServer/bin/GameServer.xml.config and checked that PublishIPAddress is set to IP address of the machine

