instantiate players with different data PUN2 Unity


Hi everyone.

I create matchmaking with PUN2 in Unity2d. I have a room for two players, which I spawn across each other. For players I have the prefab. This prefab is an object with panels for equipment. In the game scene I fill these panels by script. So I have a problem with filling spawned players.

Two ways, that I tried:

  1. Fill player after instantiating. If I use condition myPhotonView.IsMine -> spawning only "my" player in the game scene. If without this condition -> two players are spawned, BUT only my player has his panels filled.
  2. Fill player before. In this way I get the same results by number of instances of players on the game scene. But they all have the same filled panels.

So I want only that user sees his player and the player of the opponent with correctly filling panels. ))

There is my code...

public class GameController : MonoBehaviourPunCallbacks


  private PhotonView myPhotonView;

  private GameObject player;

  [SerializeField] GameObject playerPref;

  private EquipmentSlot[] equipmentSlots;

  private GameDataManager gdm = new GameDataManager(); //load data from PlayerPrefs

  [SerializeField] InventoryItemDatabase inventory;

  void Start()


    myPhotonView = GetComponent<PhotonView>();

// if (myPhotonView.IsMine) {

       player = PhotonNetwork.Instantiate(,, 0);

  initializeComponents(); // first way

// }


  public void initializeComponents()


    fillPlayer = player.GetComponent<FillPlayer>();

    equipmentSlots = fillPlayer.GetEquipmentSlots();



  public void fillEquip()


    List<int> listOfEuipment = gdm.LoadEquipPanelEquip();

    foreach (int index in listOfEuipment)


      InventoryItem item = inventory.getInventoryItem(index);




  public bool AddEquipPanelItem(InventoryItem item)


    for (int i = 0; i < equipmentSlots.Length; i++)


      if (equipmentSlots[i].EquipmentType == item.equipmentType)


        equipmentSlots[i].Item = item;

        return true;



    return false;



Thanks everyone for the help ;)


  • Alejandrazo
    edited August 2022

    Hey , hi again Starik

    If i understood well, ¿your second option spawn all of your player slots in all the cameras of all players ? This is because are instantiate with photon i supose, try to Script everything that should dissapear, with that


  • Starik
    edited July 2022

    Thanks for help, but it doesn't work ))) - on the scene is staying only one instance (player).

    Maybe I'm not correctly explaining))

    Now I have 2 instances (players) on the scene, if I'm not using condition. But data (equipment) is the same.

    Attaching screenshot.

    I think, that i need to do with data for these panels. Like PhotonNetwork.RaiseEvent.

    Because it is not a simple image or color - with these properties all is good and works. But with like custom components, I think there needs to be a special solution ))))

  • Alejandrazo

    If you only want be able to see second player equipment while you are player one continue reading:


    The player 1


    The player 2


    /*slot1Equipment== the item you want for fill an slot(needs photonview for show to other players)*/

    /*Slot1position==The position of slot 1 wich (Slot 1needs photonview)*/

    /*Slot5position==The position of "slot1 of second player"(Slot 5 needs photonview)*/


    This is an example, N° of slots maybe no correct for you, i hope it works if i understood problem i hope you understand me too.

  • Starik
    edited August 2022

    So it does not work for some reasons... )) For example, if I change my prefab to the easy 2d object and change color in this object - all is good.

     void Start()
          myPhotonView = GetComponent<PhotonView>();
          player = PhotonNetwork.Instantiate(,, 0);
          player.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().color =;

    After this code I will get 2 objects on the scene and only "my" will have a blue color.

    Unfortunately, it is not working in my case with fill players panels.

  • Alejandrazo
    edited August 2022

    i think you should give a number to all slots of equipment, for example:




    in 2 players game, should not be there any problem with that i think, the equipment needs photonview too!

    this easy way maybe not the best, but its a good idea i think, you need to do two groups of slots, player 1 slots and player 2 slots by any way.

  • Tobias

    Unsolicited tip:

    When you select any text block in a post, there is a "paragraph" icon on the left (outside the input box). Click it, then the "quotation marks" icon (tooltip "Toggle Special Formats Menu") and you can turn any part into a code block.

    Sorry for the convoluted way to make this happen.