RPC SystemException: cannot serialize(): System.SByte

The stack trace is fairly deep I won't bother posting it here. But would it be possible to get a listing of allowed parameter types for RPCs? Or was sbyte an oversight? Thanks


  • Kaiserludi
    mindlube wrote:
    The stack trace is fairly deep I won't bother posting it here. But would it be possible to get a listing of allowed parameter types for RPCs? Or was sbyte an oversight? Thanks
    Explictly signed or unsigned types are not supported out of the box by Photon, but you have to either provide you own serialization methods for them or to only use types with default signess, which are supported out of the box (so byte or short is supported, but signed byte or unsigned short is not, etc.)

    Out of the box supported types are:
    byte, short, int, long, float, double, bool, String, Hashtable, Dictionary and (jagged) arrays of these types and Object-arrays, with Hashtables, Dictionaries and Object-arrays only supported, when all their entries/elements are supported on their own.
  • OK thanks Kaiser for clarifying.