Controlling spawn host player


Hey everyone!

I'm working on project where in order to load from my main menu scene to a game scene, take a lot of time and i assume due to that, my character is not spawning or spawn just sometimes. On Unity Editor, it does work sometimes but on build version of the game, it works always.

While hosting in unity editor and connecting with build, it works sometimes.

My project works with UCC and their devs suggested to post here for any help.

Does anyone know how can i control, when to spawn character or is it just have to be spawned on loaded scene?


I get look at SpawnManagerBase.cs and i think the method, or an event responsible for spawning Host character is OnEvent, but i don't know where and when is he called.

I also use CharacterSpawnFix.cs for other players, but i think it doesn't matter in this case.

If anyone could help me on this case i would be very happy.




  • Tobias

    Which Photon client SDK do you use?

    It might make sense to check if the character never instantiated or if it just gets instantiated before the scene loaded and is then destroyed when the scene gets activated?