Hi all! Is there anyone can help me in these things?


I am making a multiplayer fps game using photon. I have made ( TDM, FFA, Duel) modes but I need help in making Domination mode? any idea?


  • Khadim

    Where should I store points of teams? and How frequently should I update those values?

  • Tobias

    Check the PhotonTeamsManager and or PunTeams class. Also, there is a class with score extensions for players. This can be used similarly with teams.

    The files are included in the PUN 2 package.

  • Khadim

    Thank you @Tobias Sure I will definitely check it.

  • Khadim

    @Tobias Those classes do not help me because I need to implement the scores in room property because these scores are of team's not of players.

  • Tobias

    Well. Change them to use Custom Room Properties.

    We can't provide code for every use case...