Receiving Invalid Authentication message and it disconnects automatically.



I am using PUN sdk and I am receiving "Invalid Authentication" message when I try to connect to server using "Connect using settings" method and immediately OnDisconnected() is called. This is happening all of a sudden from 2 days. Before it, we were having the issue where OnConnected or OnConnectedToMaster was not being called after trying to connect. But once the issue was resolved, I am now facing this issue.


  • Tobias

    Sorry for the late reply. This is sadly too vague to help.

    Make sure your AppId is set correctly and without whitespace. There is also usually some more debug info logged when this happens. If you set AuthValues, let us know what they are.

  • The_Intellify

    Hi @Tobias

    Thank you for your answer. I am not setting any AuthValues manually while connecting.

  • Tobias

    This is still not a lot of info. I can only recommend to start with a fresh, minimal project. For example, you could use the ConnectAndJoinRandom script PUN 2 has, to get into a room quick without hassle.

    Then add authentication if needed. Again, this would be a distinct step to implement and test.