Fusion.IBeforeUpdate Error


Getting these error when trying to start any server game and unable to continue afterwards.

Error start occuring when I'm doing something on my script but I don't realize which part what was it affecting and I don't use any IBeforeUpdate interface.

Any help? what kind of syntax that relate to this error?

UNITY 2021.3.1f1

Fusion Build 463

Best Answer

  • StinkySteak
    Answer ✓

    Found the Issue, nothing related with Fusion.IBeforeUpdate.

    the Issue could be the same naming on static Procedure on both BaseClass + InheritedClass or even the NetworkedProperty Naming


  • StinkySteak
    Answer ✓

    Found the Issue, nothing related with Fusion.IBeforeUpdate.

    the Issue could be the same naming on static Procedure on both BaseClass + InheritedClass or even the NetworkedProperty Naming