Question about unity3d error


Error code: PhotonNetwork.Instantiate() can only instantiate objects with a PhotonView component. This prefab does not have one: Player

The prefab exists in the resources folder. Script of creation:

using UnityEngine;

using Photon.Pun;

public class SpawnManager : MonoBehaviour


  public GameObject[] Spawns;

  public GameObject Player;

  private void Awake()


    Vector3 randomPosistion = Spawns[Random.Range(0, Spawns.Length)].transform.localPosition;

    PhotonNetwork.Instantiate(, randomPosistion, Quaternion.identity);



Everything worked out before, but when I replaced it with another prefab, this error started to come out. Help please!


  • AJ_Avocado

    Hello there!

    With PhotonNetwork.Instantiate(), you can only instantiate objects with a PhotonView component. You can add a PhotonView component on the inspector window (Add Component > PhotonView)

    Hope this helps!