Best way to sync a list in PUN



I'm building a ghost hunting game, and my map has many houses, but each game only one house is haunted. The haunted flag is just a private bool on the house.

I'm struggling to sync which house is haunted between the players. I already tried with room custom properties but didn't work...

Here's my snippet to this... any hint of how to do this?

private void Start()
    photonView.RPC(nameof(SetGhostRoomRPC), RpcTarget.AllViaServer);

private void SetGhostRoomRPC()
    int luckyNumber;
    if (PhotonNetwork.IsMasterClient)
        luckyNumber = GenerateLuckyNumber();
        var customProperties = new Hashtable {{"GhostRoomIndex", luckyNumber}};
        luckyNumber = (int)PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.CustomProperties["GhostRoomIndex"];



  • maxclark

    so when you set customroomproperties that will then cause a network event, which you have to listen for using OnRoomPropertiesUpdate.

    i would suggest not doing it that way. try this:

    private void Start()
        if (PhotonNetwork.IsMasterClient) 
            int luckyNumber = GenerateLuckyNumber ();
            photonView.RPC(nameof(SetGhostRoomRPC), RpcTarget.All, luckyNumber);
    private void SetGhostRoomRPC(int luckyNumber)