In this section, who is served to run the code?

if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.M)&& PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient)
PhotonView photonView = PhotonView.Get(this);
//*In the room with green, red, blue members
//* Master Client (green) run Code
photonView.RPC("PunRPC_M1", PhotonTargets.All, cClass_PR.Name_Player_inGame);
//* Master Client (green) is dropped (the internet is cut off)

//*In this section, who is served to run the code?
//*Or the code will not be run?
photonView.RPC("PunRPC_M2", PhotonTargets.All, cClass_PR.Name_Player_inGame);
photonView.RPC("PunRPC_M3", PhotonTargets.All, cClass_PR.Name_Player_inGame);
photonView.RPC("PunRPC_M4", PhotonTargets.All, cClass_PR.Name_Player_inGame);
