How do I connect Photon Server with Construct 2?

edited October 2020 in JavaScript and TypeScript

Where exactly can I get the data to fill the gaps?
It didn't work out with my server ip so I'm here to find out what's wrong :smile:


  • vadim
    What exactly does not work? What is in client and server logs?
    Is websocket listener enabled on port 9090 of your server?
  • Modemi4
    @vadim hello. Actually, the problem might be bigger than Construct connection
    Or maybe I just don't get how to start it properly

    If I pick LoadBalancing (MyCloud) -> Start Service; and then run Testclient I get
    • OnOperationReturn: JoinGame failed: ReturnCode: 32758 (Game does not exists).

    I have read somewhere that <add key="StartupInterval" value="1500"/> must help, but it did not.

    Would you have any suggestions about it?

  • Modemi4
    UPD: here is some extra log

    Connecting to
    48209832: Receive issue. State: Connected Exception: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
    at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer)
    at ExitGames.Client.Photon.SocketUdp.ReceiveLoop()

    Waiting: OnPeerStatusCallback: unexpected return code ExceptionOnReceive
    OnOperationReturn: JoinGame failed: ReturnCode: 32758 (Game does not exists)
  • vadim

    What is UDP server endpoint? But you use WS 9090 on the client, right?
  • Modemi4
    @vadim , it's the ip i get here
    And port 5056 is the one that Testclient uses with this ip. I tried both 9090 and this one.
    if I try to run my Construct game with it I get
    Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT
    (Master peer error timeout)

    Still, if I try to run Testclient on local IP i see
    [3892] Started game DESKTOP-7JO99DO(3892)1 with 3 clients
    [3892] Started game DESKTOP-7JO99DO(3892)2 with 3 clients
    [3892] Started game DESKTOP-7JO99DO(3892)3 with 3 clients
    [3892] Started game DESKTOP-7JO99DO(3892)4 with 3 clients
    [3892] Started game DESKTOP-7JO99DO(3892)5 with 3 clients
    OnOperationReturn: CreateGame failed: ReturnCode: 32762 (Failed to get server instance.). Disconnecting...
    OnOperationReturn: JoinGame failed: ReturnCode: 32758 (Game does not exists). Disconnecting...

    For public ip:
    [9272] Started game DESKTOP-7JO99DO(9272)1 with 3 clients
    OnOperationReturn: CreateGame failed: ReturnCode: 32762 (Failed to get server instance.). Disconnecting...

    So I mean the problem happens even before I use Construct
  • chvetsov
    hi @Modemi4

    When you change Game Server IP this way it is not enough to get everything working in case if you are behind router. When you change IP this way it changes PublicIPAddress in LoadBalancing.dll.config in GameServer/bin folder. So, it changes IP that master server sends to client so that client can connect to GameServer.

    So, Rule of thumb is use address that is accessible from client machine. In your case it is either or 192.168.....

    if you get 'Failed to get server instance' message that means that your game server for what ever reason is not available on Master:
    - was not able to connect
    - is marked as out of rotation or offline
    - GameServer is overloaded (well this might be if your client is on same machine and takes too much CPU - 90% or more)

    in order to see what is going on check logs in deploy/log folder for master and for game server. you should see there messages.

    From Logs you provided it looks like TestClient managed to create few games and than it started to get error messages. I can not say why without looking at logs

    please provide us logs and during answer mention my name. otherwise I can lose your answer

  • Modemi4
    hi @chvetsov
    Everything works if I set the PublicIPAddress to manually, but, obviously, it doesn't solve the problem as long as I want to connect to this server from another machine.

    Also, I see that connection had been dropped(not rejected) if I visit but can't make the same effect for using ( = to reach the server not locally)

    Please see the latest logs(for the try) for starting the service
    (Running the test do not make any changes in these logs. It must mean that I still haven't run it globally)


    2020-12-07 00:27:02,094 [1] INFO  Photon.LoadBalancing.GameServer.GameApplication - OnStopRequested: serverid=3895888d-054b-462d-b483-1fd927ff9cce
    2020-12-07 00:27:02,114 [1] INFO  Photon.SocketServer.ApplicationBase - Application is stopping: AppId=Game
    2020-12-07 00:27:02,122 [19] INFO  Photon.LoadBalancing.GameServer.OutgoingMasterServerPeer - connection to master closed (id=8, reason=ManagedDisconnect, detail=), serverId=3895888d-054b-462d-b483-1fd927ff9cce
    2020-12-07 00:27:02,202 [1] INFO  Photon.LoadBalancing.GameServer.GameApplication - TearDown: serverId=3895888d-054b-462d-b483-1fd927ff9cce
    2020-12-07 00:27:02,226 [1] INFO  Photon.SocketServer.ApplicationBase - Application stop: AppId=Game
    2020-12-07 00:27:10,911 [1] INFO  Photon.LoadBalancing.GameServer.GameApplication - Setup: serverId=02de4f83-ba3d-4206-9b8b-9ece864397ec
    2020-12-07 00:27:11,751 [1] INFO  Photon.SocketServer.Diagnostics.HttpQueuePerformanceCounters - HTTP Queue performance counters successfully initialized
    2020-12-07 00:27:11,767 [1] INFO  Photon.SocketServer.Diagnostics.HttpQueuePerformanceCounters - Internal HTTP Queue performance counters successfully created
    2020-12-07 00:27:11,798 [1] INFO  Photon.LoadBalancing.GameServer.GameApplication - TokenCreator intialized with an expiration of 02:46:40
    2020-12-07 00:27:11,861 [1] WARN  Photon.Common.LoadBalancer.LoadShedding.FeedbackControlSystem - Could not initialize Feedback Control System from configuration: Invalid configuration file E:\Programs\PhotonServer\Photon-OnPremise-Server-SDK_v4-0-29-11263\deploy\Workload.config. Using default settings... (Could not find file 'E:\Programs\PhotonServer\Photon-OnPremise-Server-SDK_v4-0-29-11263\deploy\Workload.config'.)
    2020-12-07 00:27:11,892 [1] INFO  Photon.Common.LoadBalancer.ServerStateManager - Watching for application state file in E:\Programs\PhotonServer\Photon-OnPremise-Server-SDK_v4-0-29-11263\deploy\ServerState.txt
    2020-12-07 00:27:11,907 [1] INFO  Photon.Common.LoadBalancer.ServerStateManager - Server state is set to online
    2020-12-07 00:27:11,923 [1] INFO  Photon.LoadBalancing.GameServer.GameApplication - Initializing master server connection ...
    2020-12-07 00:27:12,017 [1] INFO  Photon.LoadBalancing.GameServer.MasterServerConnectionBase - Connecting to master at, serverId=02de4f83-ba3d-4206-9b8b-9ece864397ec
    2020-12-07 00:27:12,064 [1] INFO  Photon.SocketServer.ApplicationBase - Application start: AppId=Game; AppPath=E:\Programs\PhotonServer\Photon-OnPremise-Server-SDK_v4-0-29-11263\deploy\LoadBalancing\GameServer, Type=Photon.LoadBalancing.GameServer.GameApplication 
    2020-12-07 00:27:12,095 [1] INFO  Photon.SocketServer.Diagnostics.CounterPublisher - CounterPublisher started publishing ExitGames.Diagnostics.Monitoring.CounterSamplePublisher to ExitGames.Diagnostics.Monitoring.CounterSampleSender
    2020-12-07 00:27:14,233 [15] INFO  Photon.LoadBalancing.GameServer.MasterServerConnectionBase - Master connection established: address:
    2020-12-07 00:27:14,257 [15] INFO  Photon.Common.LoadBalancer.ServerStateManager - Server state is set to online
    2020-12-07 00:27:14,289 [10] INFO  Photon.LoadBalancing.GameServer.OutgoingMasterServerPeer - Registering game server with address, TCP 4531, UDP 5056, WebSocket 9091, Secure WebSocket 19091, HTTP 80, ServerID 02de4f83-ba3d-4206-9b8b-9ece864397ec, Hostname localhost, IPv6Address 
    2020-12-07 00:27:14,484 [15] INFO  Photon.LoadBalancing.GameServer.OutgoingMasterServerPeer - Successfully registered at master server: serverId=02de4f83-ba3d-4206-9b8b-9ece864397ec

    2020-12-07 00:27:02,114 [28] INFO  Photon.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.GameServer.IncomingGameServerPeer - OnDisconnect: game server connection closed (connectionId=6, serverId=3895888d-054b-462d-b483-1fd927ff9cce, reason=ClientDisconnect)
    2020-12-07 00:27:02,138 [1] INFO  Photon.SocketServer.ApplicationBase - Application is stopping: AppId=Master
    2020-12-07 00:27:02,242 [1] INFO  Photon.SocketServer.ApplicationBase - Application stop: AppId=Master
    2020-12-07 00:27:12,387 [1] INFO  Photon.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.MasterApplication - TokenCreator intialized with an expiration of 02:46:40
    2020-12-07 00:27:13,194 [1] INFO  Photon.SocketServer.Diagnostics.HttpQueuePerformanceCounters - HTTP Queue performance counters successfully initialized
    2020-12-07 00:27:13,218 [1] INFO  Photon.SocketServer.Diagnostics.HttpQueuePerformanceCounters - Internal HTTP Queue performance counters successfully created
    2020-12-07 00:27:13,234 [1] INFO  Photon.Common.Authentication.Diagnostic.CustomAuthResultCounters - Start to initialize Photon: Custom Authentication Results performance counters
    2020-12-07 00:27:13,258 [1] INFO  Photon.Common.Authentication.Diagnostic.CustomAuthResultCounters - Photon: Custom Authentication Results performance counters successfully initialized
    2020-12-07 00:27:13,282 [1] WARN  Photon.Common.LoadBalancer.LoadBalancer`1 - Could not initialize LoadBalancer from configuration: Invalid configuration file E:\Programs\PhotonServer\Photon-OnPremise-Server-SDK_v4-0-29-11263\deploy\LoadBalancer.config. Using default settings... (Could not find file 'E:\Programs\PhotonServer\Photon-OnPremise-Server-SDK_v4-0-29-11263\deploy\LoadBalancer.config'.)
    2020-12-07 00:27:13,450 [1] INFO  Photon.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.GameApplication - TokenCreator intialized with an expiration of 02:46:40
    2020-12-07 00:27:13,814 [1] INFO  Photon.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.GameApplication - Application {Default}/{Default} starts without Redis
    2020-12-07 00:27:13,918 [1] INFO  Photon.LoadBalancing.Common.NodesReader - Import nodes
    2020-12-07 00:27:13,934 [1] WARN  Photon.LoadBalancing.Common.NodesReader - E:\Programs\PhotonServer\Photon-OnPremise-Server-SDK_v4-0-29-11263\deploy\Nodes.txt does not exist, CurrentNodeId = 0
    2020-12-07 00:27:13,958 [1] INFO  Photon.LoadBalancing.Common.NodesReader - Watching E:\Programs\PhotonServer\Photon-OnPremise-Server-SDK_v4-0-29-11263\deploy\Nodes.txt
    2020-12-07 00:27:13,974 [1] INFO  Photon.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.MasterApplication - Current Node (nodeId=0) is the active master (leader)
    2020-12-07 00:27:13,990 [1] INFO  Photon.SocketServer.ApplicationBase - Application start: AppId=Master; AppPath=E:\Programs\PhotonServer\Photon-OnPremise-Server-SDK_v4-0-29-11263\deploy\LoadBalancing\Master, Type=Photon.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.MasterApplication 
    2020-12-07 00:27:14,046 [1] INFO  Photon.SocketServer.Diagnostics.CounterPublisher - CounterPublisher started publishing ExitGames.Diagnostics.Monitoring.CounterSamplePublisher to ExitGames.Diagnostics.Monitoring.CounterSampleSender
    2020-12-07 00:27:14,102 [16] INFO  Photon.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.GameServer.IncomingGameServerPeer - game server connection from established (id=2)
    2020-12-07 00:27:14,396 [12] WARN  Photon.LoadBalancing.Common.NodesReader - Internal address for node 0 unknown; using loop back
    2020-12-07 00:27:14,420 [12] INFO  Photon.LoadBalancing.Common.NodesReader - Node added: 0 =
  • chvetsov
    hi, @Modemi4
    thank you for your efforts

    I see that game server is connected.
    > I want to connect to this server from another machine.
    what does this mean? is this machine in same local area network? Are you sitting behind the router and try to connect from friends machine that on another side of the router?

  • Modemi4
    @chvetsov In the end I wish to run the server on a windows hosting and to be able to connect to it from any computer. But at the moment I just try to run the server from my PC, so my friend can connect it by the internet, not a local notwork. That's why I try to get server working with my global ip

    I prefer testing with router because it must be closer to the conditions of remote hosting, but if necessary I can connect my PC directly to the internet, too
  • chvetsov
    hi, @Modemi4

    That the thing. You are behind the router. Photon on your PC does not know about router and its public IP. It listens on those addresses that are accessible for it.

    you have to do next thing:
    define your public Ip and set it for GS in config:

    behind the router:
    - you have to setup port forwarding on the router - so, once someone connects to routers IP on specific port its traffic should be redirected by router to your PC and port which is listened by photon.

    if not behind the router:
    you do not have to do anything. Then situation will be same as with external hostings

    did it help?
