Beginner Question: Will it Work?

Hello Community,
i just started recently to teach myself about Gamingservers. I develope a VR Game for 4 vs 2 Player matches. With UE4. The Graphics are in the higher Area but still focused on low Polycounts ect. but 2k TExtures. The Vr Player will own a Body and melee and shot at themselves, guns only have a one bullet fire rate but it will have some abilitys in the game. Is it possible to run this on Photon? Probably is but i better ask you Guys before.


  • chvetsov
    hi, @MISV
    your question is about client side, right?

    if yes, than it is better to ask there.
    Server side host a lot of shooters. and they work just fine

  • MISV
    hi @chvetsov
    is see, where is the client side? just hosting and ask them? :smile:
    How is VOicechat working, do i need a extra voicechat server to the Realtime Server ?
  • chvetsov
    hi, @MISV
    we have forum section about client libs. UE uses native client lib. So you have to ask there

    about Voice and Chat. there is no self hosted chat. The chat works only in our clouds. The voice should work with self hosted.

    you are on very early stage. do not think about voice and chat. it is too early. make your game first
