Desktop and Hololens 2 in tutorial connecting to different rooms?


I am following along with this tutorial

When I get the app running on the hololens it connects and creates a room, however when I go to play it in the editor it doesn't connect to the same room, it creates a new room. Any ideas on why this is happening and how to fix it? As far as I can tell I've followed the wording of the tutorial precisely.


  • WLSmith
    More information for the issue

    VS community 2019
    Unity 2019.4.5f1

    Server Settings
    Use Name Server Checked
    Run in Background
    Dev Region: us
  • Tobias
    On that page, I don't see how the clients create / join rooms. It's important that not both clients attempt to create a room. To get into a room quickly, always use JoinRandom first, then create a room, if JoinRandom failed (no room available). The clients should not use the same userID.

    Enable the SupportLogger to get more details about the region, game version, etc. In general, the logs will be needed to make sense of this.