Chat Connected but OnSubscribed never is getting called

Just as the title says, I'm connecting to the service, and in the callback I try to subscribe to a public channel but I never receive a callback for that. Chat doesn't work, but I guess it's because there is no subscription to any channel.

any clues of why this could be happening?



  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi @Wolfy,

    Thank you for choosing Photon!

    How are you connecting and how are you subscribing? maybe a code snippet helps.
    What client SDK are you using? what version?
  • Wolfy
    edited August 2019
    Hi @JohnTube ,
    thanks for the answer.

    I'm using the latest version from the AssetStore, in Unity 2019.1.4f1

    To connect I do:
    chatClient = new ChatClient(this);
    chatClient.ChatRegion = "US";
    var authValues = new AuthenticationValues();
    authValues.AuthType = CustomAuthenticationType.None;
    authValues.UserId = aname;
    chatClient.Connect(theAppID, "1.0", authValues);
    OnConnected callback is called right after, and there I do:


    OnSubscribed is not called after that. Also chat doens't work (send/receive messages), but I assume that makes sense since the user is not subscribed to any channel.

    Thanks for the help!
  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi @Wolfy,

    I'm using the latest version from the AssetStore

    Which package? as PhotonChatApi is included in all these: Does this happen with the demo scene?

    I could not reproduce.

    using System;
    using Photon.Chat;
    using ExitGames.Client.Photon;
    using UnityEngine;
    public class ChatSubscribeTest : MonoBehaviour, IChatClientListener
        private ChatClient chatClient;
        private string aname;
        private string theAppID;
        private string appVersion = "1.0";
        private string channelName = "gamechannel";
        private string region = "US";
        // Use this for initialization
        private void Start()
            chatClient = new ChatClient(this);
            chatClient.ChatRegion = region;
            var authValues = new AuthenticationValues();
            authValues.AuthType = CustomAuthenticationType.None;
            authValues.UserId = aname;
            chatClient.Connect(theAppID, appVersion, authValues);
        // Update is called once per frame
        private void Update()
            if (chatClient != null)
        public void DebugReturn(DebugLevel level, string message)
        public void OnDisconnected()
        public void OnConnected()
        public void OnChatStateChange(ChatState state)
        public void OnGetMessages(string channelName, string[] senders, object[] messages)
        public void OnPrivateMessage(string sender, object message, string channelName)
        public void OnSubscribed(string[] channels, bool[] results)
            if (channels.Length == 1 && results[0] && channels[0].Equals(channelName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
        public void OnUnsubscribed(string[] channels)
        public void OnStatusUpdate(string user, int status, bool gotMessage, object message)
        public void OnUserSubscribed(string channel, string user)
        public void OnUserUnsubscribed(string channel, string user)

    Maybe you got disconnected before subscribe happens.
    Are you sure you got connected in the first place?
    Are you calling chatClient.Service() as expected?

    Could you try with a different:
    • User (userId)
    • AppVersion
    • AppId
    • Region
    • Channel name
    does private chat (private messages) work between users?