Almost There! One line complaining!

I've happily added photon chat to our app, and upon configuring it, using the demo scene as a guide/template, appear to have everything working, except the "send" button for sending a line of text to the chat room.

My username is good/reported, the "session/room" is created/joined/ showchannel is run, shows the correct channel. Everything seems connected, but when I type a message and press Enter or click "Send" I get this error below:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

related to line in chatgui.cs
: bool doingPrivateChat = this.chatClient.PrivateChannels.ContainsKey(this.selectedChannelName);

alternately as a test, I write in the chat text area: test and get this error:
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

related to line:
this.chatClient.SendPrivateMessage(this.chatClient.AuthValues.UserId, this.testBytes, true);

I've spent about 4 hours combing the code and Inspector to find out what's not been run/ what's missing, but I cannot locate it.

If the lines of code throwing the error are any indicator, it's something in ChatClient's ? AuthValues? or PrivateChannel values? that's missing/null?

Anyone know what object / variables / parameters are missing, or what I'm failing to run to get everything together and working?

Thanks in advance.


  • **

    Further testing shows: this.chatClient.AuthValues.UserId doesn't seem to exist, even at the time that chatgui.Connect() Is called.

  • Would like to figure out, where the authentication is failling to record/occur... cannot seem to locate.