How to synchronize GameObjects in scene on change (not transform or rotate)?

I'm new to Unity and Photon and I am trying to make selected GameObjects in the scene glow when ever they are clicked on with the mouse. Currently I have the glow effect as a child-GameObject of the objects that I want to glow and when they are hit by Raycast the effect object is enabled and later disabled. This works for each individual player in the game but the glow doesn't synchronize between players. Any idea on how to implement this?

Best Answer


  • Fey
    Thank you :smiley: ! I had already managed to make it work with RPC calls exactly like you described. Will keep in mind to give each object separate ID if they will get to many
  • Jasper_w
    Great! Also, if you should ever get that "Received OnSerialization for view ID xxxx. We have no such PhotonView..." error on mid game join, please hit me up... can't find the source...