Raise event not getting called

Hello for some reason the raise event does not call On Event at all

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Photon;
using Photon.Realtime;
using Photon.Pun;
using ExitGames.Client.Photon;
public class TestRaiseEvent : MonoBehaviourPun
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()

    void RaiseEvent()
        Debug.Log("RAISE EVENT");

        byte evCode = 0; // Custom Event 0: Used as "MoveUnitsToTargetPosition" event
        object[] content = new object[] { new Vector3(10.0f, 2.0f, 5.0f), 1, 2, 5, 10 }; // Array contains the target position and the IDs of the selected units
        RaiseEventOptions raiseEventOptions = new RaiseEventOptions { Receivers = ReceiverGroup.All }; // You would have to set the Receivers to All in order to receive this event on the local client as well
        SendOptions sendOptions = new SendOptions { Reliability = true };
        PhotonNetwork.RaiseEvent(evCode, content, raiseEventOptions, sendOptions);

    public void OnEvent(EventData photonEvent)
        byte eventCode = photonEvent.Code;

        Debug.Log("ON EVENT");

        if (eventCode == 0)
            Debug.Log("EVENT CODE MATCHED");

    public void OnEnable()


    public void OnDisable()


  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2019
    Hi @Mashman12,

    You need to explicitly state which callbacks interface you are implementing for the registration to work:
    public class TestRaiseEvent : MonoBehaviourPun
    public class TestRaiseEvent : MonoBehaviourPun, IOnEventCallback