Test Plugin Sample DLL is not loading

HI @Tobias,
I have added a log in the Test Plugin RaiseEventChecksPlugin class and trying to load but there is no sign of loading in PhotonCLR of it's loading. (Once it worked but after that server start without it).
Thanks in advance for your help.


  • ashishhellotech7
    edited January 2019
    Logs I am trying to print is :
    public override void OnRaiseEvent (IRaiseEventCallInfo info) {
    			log.DebugFormat ("userid:{0}, Status {1}", info.UserId, info.Request.EvCode);
    		//	log.DebugFormat ("OperationCode: {0} ", info.OperationRequest.OperationCode.ToString());
    			//log.DebugFormat ("Eventcode: {0}", info.Request.EvCode);
    			var res = this.CheckPreConditions (info);
    			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (res)) {
    				info.Fail (res);
    			try {
    				base.OnRaiseEvent (info);
    			} catch (Exception e) {
    				this.PluginHost.BroadcastErrorInfoEvent (e.ToString (), info);
    			res = this.CheckPostConditions (info);
    			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (res)) {
    				this.PluginHost.BroadcastErrorInfoEvent (res, info);
  • chvetsov
    Hi, @ashishhellotech7

    you are logging using DEBUG logging, when in log4net.config INFO is activated.

    Check also that plugin is activated in config

  • Hi @chvetsov,
    Actually problem was I was making dlls on mac system and putting on windows server, that might be the reason. Now it's working fine.
    But actual problem is I am in a situation is if I am raising an event in between when cache event's are comming then my raised event is not reaching to the server is that possible.
  • Is this something relevant to my issue :
    2019-01-28 18:20:05,990 [4] DEBUG Photon.SocketServer.PeerBase - SentOpResponse: Peer=GameClientPeer: PID 33, IsConnected: True, IsDisposed: False, Last Activity: Operation 253 at UTC 28-01-2019 12:50:05 in Room 6f6cc0a2-b472-4054-9f38-efd732ddf91e, IP, , opCode=253, return=-3(Operation is not allowed on this join stage), ChannelId=0 result=Ok size=53 bytes

    Because this always happend when my event not reach to the server.
  • chvetsov
    Yes, you did not finish joining a game. That is why your messages are ignored

  • How do I recongnize that joining is finished because I am raising event after getting state of joined.
  • I am getting this on client side:
    "Operation 253 could not be executed (yet). Wait for state JoinedLobby or ConnectedToMaster and their callbacks before calling operations. WebRPCs need a server-side configuration. Enum OperationCode helps identify the operation."
    And if we talk about getting state joinedLobby or ConnectedTomaster. I am getting state of ConnectedToMaster but didn't get their callbacks.

  • chvetsov
    Hi, @ashishhellotech7

    Please ask your question in the client-side section of the forum.
    do not forget to provide all the version information and other details to get help faster

  • This is server side issue. I am getting RaiseEvent Failed because JoinState is not == complete. And getting the OnRoomJoin before than that.
    I hope that is enough reason for you to help me here.
  • As I check the server side code and find that joinstate goes to complete until it published all cacheevents. If you can help me to identifiy which event is cache even or which event is direct coming from other client. It wil be really helpful.
  • chvetsov
    When you are sending messages RaiseEvent messages from the client, they may have a cache flag. So if it is set, the server will cache such messages.

    How to fix this check client doc: https://doc.photonengine.com/en-us/realtime/current/gameplay/cached-events

  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi @ashishhellotech7,

    I have replied here.