Nickname is being set but I can't get it onto my player list

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class PlayerListing : MonoBehaviour


	public PhotonPlayer photonPlayer { get; private set; }


	private Text _playerName;
	private Text PlayerName

		get { return _playerName; } 

	public void ApplyPhotonplayer ( PhotonPlayer photonPlayer )


		GameObject inputPlayerFieldEmptyObject = GameObject.Find ("PlayerNameInputFieldEmpty");
		InputField inputPlayerField = inputPlayerFieldEmptyObject.GetComponentInChildren<InputField>();
		photonPlayer.NickName = inputPlayerField.text;
		PlayerName.text = inputPlayerField.text;


I definitely tried with this one but I'm at a wall, I'm trying to get custom nicknames up and running and I'm using an input field to do it. With this method my nickname works fine but the moment I try to add another player problems happen, I have a player list instantiating in a room but the new players that join either come in blank on my master client or on the normal client they duplicate the names.

I think it's because I'm using Nickname it's synchronising all changes across the room to all players which it shouldn't be and saw references to using as a solution but I have no idea how to set that up, would somebody mind helping me out with this problem?
