Dyndns address

Is posible to configure a gameserver Loadbalancing with dyndns address?
I write in Photon.Loadbalancing.dll:
<setting name="PublicIPAddress" serializeAs="String">
but the server wouldn't start, and the log says:

2556: 08:21:15.564 - CService::OnException() - Exception: CManagedHost::StartApplication() - Failed to start application in AppDomain: 3 - Se ha especificado una dirección IP no válida.


  • Tobias
    We obviously only accept IPs in the game server configuration, currently.
    Maybe it makes sense to accept any string there, so the master could forward your game server's hostname as you configured it.

    We will think this through.
  • dreamora
    Would be great as my server runs behind a no-ip.org

    Unsure if it wouldn't be required for elastic IPs in a cloud anyway
  • Ok, thanks.

    We wanted that our local server on dynamic IP it could "play" from outside and do some test. Then there is no alternative at this time to solve this?
  • Philip
    What you could do is change the following line (GameApplication.cs line 63) in the constructor of the GameApplication to resolve to an ip address instead of just parsing:

    this.PublicIpAddress = IPAddress.Parse(GameServerSettings.Default.PublicIPAddress);

    Note: Photon sets up the binding during startup and has no support for changing ip:ports.
    -> photon has to be restarted in case the ip changes!
  • Philip
    dreamora wrote:
    Unsure if it wouldn't be required for elastic IPs in a cloud anyway
    You can see this as a "startup task" of your cloud instance - where you generate a config file with the ip of "current instance". Thats what we do in azure ...
  • Boris
    This code snippet returns your current public IP, you could use that instead of dynamic DNS.
    WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create("http://automation.whatismyip.com/n09230945.asp");
    using (WebResponse response = request.GetResponse())
    using (Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream())
    using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream))
    return reader.ReadToEnd();
  • I could use my dyndns address on both game servers config using the last Photon Server SDK (
  • tutibueno wrote:
    I could use my dyndns address on both game servers config using the last Photon Server SDK (

    Just a correction: By doing the above config I could only play in my WLAN between different machines. Now when I went thru the internet it stopped working.
  • After various tests I came with a workaround while the game servers config don't allow string address (like mydns.no-ip.org):

    - I left the configs with my actual internet IP:
    - Configured no-ip app to point to my local IP
    - Built the game with Photon pointing to my dynamic dns address (mydns.no-ip.org)

    The only issue is when your ISP changes your IP you'll have to manually change the public IP stored in the gameserevers config files to the new one. Other than that everything will work fine!