Handling multiple "rooms" in headless server

Hi there!
Im a litle bit lose about bolt's headless server.
Im planning on using Bolt for my MMORPG project in unity.
As you may guess the game will have a concrete number of 'rooms' that are basically isolated maps in the game,
and currently im trying to figure out how can I group players according to the map in which they actually are? Any ideas?

As a bonus question I need your opinion about using bolt to develop an mmorpg that needs to be authoritative. Is it a good idea? can bolt really act like a server or should I better give a look to on-premise server?. Thanks! :)


  • stanchion
    Yes Bolt fully supports dedicated server games. For example playpantropy.com
  • Ykai
    edited January 2018
    stanchion said:

    Yes Bolt fully supports dedicated server games. For example playpantropy.com

    @stanchion I really appreciate your answer :) I feel like im going in the right path now. I dont want to be bothersome but im totally lost about how to apply 'rooms' logic with bolt. how can I isolate network messages to users according to the map they are in. Im really trying to think about the best way to do it.
    Thanks again!
  • stanchion
    Bolt gives you the option to scope entities, send events to specific clients, etc.
  • Ykai
    @stanchion I found this in PUN's documentation, does this apply for Bolt as well?
  • stanchion
    Yes Bolt has many features like that, did you read my last message?