Debugging server from VS Express?

edited July 2010 in Photon Server
How can i start up server in debug from visual studio? The application projects all output as class libraries - but is there any way to setup an executable project that starts server.

Im using VS Express so i cant attach to processes.


  • Boris
    Sorry, Photon can only be debugged when you attach to the process.
    The good news is that you can debug your code with dummy clients that do not use a socket. See Lite unit tests in sub-folder "disconnected".
  • I'm actually using VS2010 Pro, and when I attach to PhotonControl.exe (without the DLL loaded), my break points appears as invalid and they say "This breakpoint will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document.". How can I properly debug my server application?
  • Boris
    You have to use debug compiled binaries.
  • Boris
    when I attach to PhotonControl.exe
    attach to the photon.socketserver.exe process
  • Boris wrote:
    when I attach to PhotonControl.exe
    attach to the photon.socketserver.exe process
    I am building the Debug version of my server DLL. Also, I tried attaching to PhotonSocketServer.exe and I still get the same invalid debug break points. Even if this did work, I don't think I'd like it, since I wouldn't be able to debug the Application.Setup() function, which is executed as soon as the server starts, and I am only able to attach to the process after it has started.
  • Boris
    right, you cannot debug the applicaton start.
    but debugging in general works, I do it all the time.