Error app domain 5, won't start Photon

edited August 2011 in Photon Server
I can't seem to get Photon working.

I am running the x64 client, bin_win64.

I have Windows 7 x64.
I placed the licensing file in, but nothing changed.
I've tried unzipping the newest version with 7zip and Winrar, but neither change anything.
I've reinstalled, repaired, and restarted .net Framework and computer several times.

Tried researching this error, but only got the 2 errors in results, this is the 5.
Thank you.

ERROR: Failed to start application: "CounterPublisher" in app domain: 5
CService::OnException() - Exception: CManagedHost::StartApplication() - Failed to start application in AppDomain: 5 - The type initializer for 'Photon.CounterPublisher.SystemCounter' threw an exception.

940: 21:43:18.528 - Server Starting...
940: 21:43:18.528 - Current directory is: C:\Windows\system32
940: 21:43:18.528 - Changing current directory to: R:\Photon Server\deploy\bin_Win64
940: 21:43:18.528 - Not using performance counters as they are not currently installed. Run the service with /InstallCounters to install them.
940: 21:43:18.535 - About to load runtime: PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager from PhotonHostRuntime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=02C301B61B060C4D
940: 21:43:18.535 - About to load CLR - versions available:
940: 21:43:18.535 - v2.0.50727
940: 21:43:18.535 - v4.0.30319
940: 21:43:18.535 - No preference in configuration file, will load latest.
940: 21:43:18.535 - About to load version: "v4.0.30319"
940: 21:43:18.537 - Loaded version: "v4.0.30319"
940: 21:43:20.966 - Photon host runtime loaded
940: 21:43:34.958 - License is valid.
940: 21:43:34.958 - Licensed for 100 concurrent connections.
940: 21:43:34.958 - Max Reliable Data In Transit (awaiting ACKs) per peer : 16384 bytes
940: 21:43:34.958 - Per peer bandwidth limit
940: 21:43:34.958 - Transmit Rate Limit: 128 KB/Sec
940: 21:43:34.958 - Limit period: 250ms
940: 21:43:34.958 - Limit per period: 32768 bytes
940: 21:43:34.958 - Max queued data for transmission per peer: 65536 bytes
940: 21:43:34.958 - Minimum retransmit timeout: 200
940: 21:43:34.958 - Minimum ENet timeout: 5000ms
940: 21:43:34.958 - Maximum ENet timeout: 30000ms
940: 21:43:34.958 - ENetHost: Using Timer Wheel
940: 21:43:34.958 - About to load application: Lite from Lite
940: 21:43:34.958 - Auto restart is enabled for application
940: 21:43:34.958 - Application will restart 10000ms after the last change detected
940: 21:43:34.958 - Application will restart if files matching the following are changed: "dll;config"
940: 21:43:34.958 - Application will NOT restart if files matching the following are changed: "log4net.config"
940: 21:43:37.875 - Application: "Lite" started in app domain: 2
940: 21:43:37.875 - About to load application: LiteLobby from LiteLobby
940: 21:43:37.875 - Auto restart is enabled for application
940: 21:43:37.875 - Application will restart 10000ms after the last change detected
940: 21:43:37.875 - Application will restart if files matching the following are changed: "dll;config"
940: 21:43:37.875 - Application will NOT restart if files matching the following are changed: "log4net.config"
940: 21:43:40.496 - Application: "LiteLobby" started in app domain: 3
940: 21:43:40.496 - About to load application: MmoDemo from Photon.MmoDemo.Server
940: 21:43:40.496 - Auto restart is enabled for application
940: 21:43:40.496 - Application will restart 10000ms after the last change detected
940: 21:43:40.496 - Application will restart if files matching the following are changed: "dll;config"
940: 21:43:40.496 - Application will NOT restart if files matching the following are changed: "log4net.config"
940: 21:43:43.351 - Application: "MmoDemo" started in app domain: 4
940: 21:43:43.351 - About to load application: CounterPublisher from CounterPublisher
940: 21:43:43.351 - Auto restart is enabled for application
940: 21:43:43.351 - Application will restart 10000ms after the last change detected
940: 21:43:43.351 - Application will restart if files matching the following are changed: "dll;config"
940: 21:43:43.351 - Application will NOT restart if files matching the following are changed: "log4net.config"
940: 21:43:45.999 - ERROR: Failed to start application: "CounterPublisher" in app domain: 5
940: 21:43:46.000 - CService::OnException() - Exception: CManagedHost::StartApplication() - Failed to start application in AppDomain: 5 - The type initializer for 'Photon.CounterPublisher.SystemCounter' threw an exception.
940: 21:43:46.000 - Server shutting down...
940: 21:43:46.000 - Shutting down ENet host...


  • Boris
    you can disable the counter publisher app if you don't use the dashboard in the photon server config.
    Not sure why exactly the error occurs - there is probably no counterpublisher log file either?
  • In folder "deploy\CounterPublisher"
    ****************New Log*****************
    3848: Shutting down socket servers...
    3848: Shutting down ENet thread pool...
    3848: Shutting down business logic thread pool...
    3848: Shutting down I/O thread pool...
    3848: Flushing ENET buffer allocator...
    3848: Flushing TCP buffer allocator...
    3848: Flushing stream socket allocator...
    3848: Flushing datagram socket allocator...
    3848: Destroying ENet thread pool
    3848: Destroying TCP inactivity timer
    3848: Destroying Business logic thread pool
    3848: Destroying servers
    3848: Destroying ENet host
    3848: Destroying CLR dispatcher
    3848: Destroying CLR applications
    3848: CManagedHost::OnCLRDisabled()
    3480: CManagedHost::OnDomainUnload() - 5
    3848: Destroying I/O thread pool
    3848: Destroying ENet buffer allocator
    3848: Destroying TCP buffer allocator
    3848: Destroying TCP socket allocator
    3848: Destroying ENet socket allocator
    3848: Destroying performance counters
    3848: Shutdown complete...

    And here are the full logs from the folder "deploy\bin_Win64\log"

    2011-05-18 11:33:10,378 [ 1] DEBUG PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - PhotonDomainManager created
    2011-05-18 11:33:10,394 [ 1] DEBUG PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - PhotonDomainManager created
    2011-05-18 11:33:10,394 [ 1] DEBUG PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - InitializeNewDomain PhotonSocketServer.exe
    2011-05-18 11:33:10,410 [ 1] INFO  eRMymtkIis3IE6Ijwv.epGUTlMZNm84XrNili - ### PhotonHostRuntime.Licensing: Getting license information...
    2011-05-18 11:33:12,894 [ 1] INFO  eRMymtkIis3IE6Ijwv.epGUTlMZNm84XrNili - LICENSE: Expiration: never; floating license: yes; max connections: 100; valid IPs: any
    2011-05-18 11:33:12,910 [ 1] INFO  PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - CreateAppDomain Lite , Lite
    2011-05-18 11:33:13,238 [ 1] DEBUG PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - CreateAppDomain: ApplicationBase = R:\Emergence Online\Photon Server\deploy
    2011-05-18 11:33:13,238 [ 1] DEBUG PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - CreateAppDomain: PrivateBinPath = Lite\Lite;Lite\Lite\bin;bin_Win64;Shared
    2011-05-18 11:33:13,238 [ 1] DEBUG PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - CreateAppDomain: ConfigurationFile = R:\Emergence Online\Photon Server\deploy\Lite\Lite\bin\Lite.dll.config
    2011-05-18 11:33:14,363 [12] DEBUG eRMymtkIis3IE6Ijwv.epGUTlMZNm84XrNili - Reached license monitor.
    2011-05-18 11:33:15,863 [ 1] INFO  PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - CreateAppDomain LiteLobby , LiteLobby
    2011-05-18 11:33:15,863 [ 1] DEBUG PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - CreateAppDomain: ApplicationBase = R:\Emergence Online\Photon Server\deploy
    2011-05-18 11:33:15,863 [ 1] DEBUG PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - CreateAppDomain: PrivateBinPath = LiteLobby\LiteLobby;LiteLobby\LiteLobby\bin;bin_Win64;Shared
    2011-05-18 11:33:15,863 [ 1] DEBUG PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - CreateAppDomain: ConfigurationFile = R:\Emergence Online\Photon Server\deploy\LiteLobby\LiteLobby\bin\LiteLobby.dll.config
    2011-05-18 11:33:18,472 [ 1] INFO  PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - CreateAppDomain MmoDemo , Photon.MmoDemo.Server
    2011-05-18 11:33:18,472 [ 1] DEBUG PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - CreateAppDomain: ApplicationBase = R:\Emergence Online\Photon Server\deploy
    2011-05-18 11:33:18,472 [ 1] DEBUG PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - CreateAppDomain: PrivateBinPath = Mmo\Photon.MmoDemo.Server;Mmo\Photon.MmoDemo.Server\bin;bin_Win64;Shared
    2011-05-18 11:33:18,472 [ 1] DEBUG PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - CreateAppDomain: ConfigurationFile = R:\Emergence Online\Photon Server\deploy\Mmo\Photon.MmoDemo.Server\bin\Photon.MmoDemo.Server.dll.config
    2011-05-18 11:33:21,207 [ 1] INFO  PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - CreateAppDomain CounterPublisher , CounterPublisher
    2011-05-18 11:33:21,207 [ 1] DEBUG PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - CreateAppDomain: ApplicationBase = R:\Emergence Online\Photon Server\deploy
    2011-05-18 11:33:21,207 [ 1] DEBUG PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - CreateAppDomain: PrivateBinPath = CounterPublisher;CounterPublisher\bin;bin_Win64;Shared
    2011-05-18 11:33:21,207 [ 1] DEBUG PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - CreateAppDomain: ConfigurationFile = R:\Emergence Online\Photon Server\deploy\CounterPublisher\bin\CounterPublisher.dll.config

    4936: 11:33:07.910 - Config File: R:\Emergence Online\Photon Server\deploy\bin_Win64\PhotonServer.config
    4936: 11:33:07.910 - Will NOT produce crash dumps
    3848: 11:33:07.910 - ---
    3848: 11:33:07.910 - Server Starting...
    3848: 11:33:07.910 - Current directory is: C:\Windows\system32
    3848: 11:33:07.910 - Changing current directory to: R:\Emergence Online\Photon Server\deploy\bin_Win64
    3848: 11:33:07.910 - Not using performance counters as they are not currently installed. Run the service with /InstallCounters to install them.
    3848: 11:33:07.910 - About to load runtime: PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager from PhotonHostRuntime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=02C301B61B060C4D
    3848: 11:33:07.910 - About to load CLR - versions available:
    3848: 11:33:07.910 - v2.0.50727
    3848: 11:33:07.910 - v4.0.30319
    3848: 11:33:07.910 - No preference in configuration file, will load latest.
    3848: 11:33:07.910 - About to load version: "v4.0.30319"
    3848: 11:33:07.910 - Loaded version: "v4.0.30319"
    3848: 11:33:10.410 - Photon host runtime loaded
    3848: 11:33:12.894 - License is valid.
    3848: 11:33:12.894 - Licensed for 100 concurrent connections.
    3848: 11:33:12.894 - Max Reliable Data In Transit (awaiting ACKs) per peer : 16384 bytes
    3848: 11:33:12.894 - Per peer bandwidth limit
    3848: 11:33:12.894 - Transmit Rate Limit: 128 KB/Sec
    3848: 11:33:12.894 - Limit period: 250ms
    3848: 11:33:12.894 - Limit per period: 32768 bytes
    3848: 11:33:12.894 - Max queued data for transmission per peer: 65536 bytes
    3848: 11:33:12.894 - Minimum retransmit timeout: 200
    3848: 11:33:12.894 - Minimum ENet timeout: 5000ms
    3848: 11:33:12.894 - Maximum ENet timeout: 30000ms
    3848: 11:33:12.894 - ENetHost: Using Timer Wheel
    3848: 11:33:12.894 - About to load application: Lite from Lite
    3848: 11:33:12.894 - Auto restart is enabled for application
    3848: 11:33:12.894 - Application will restart 10000ms after the last change detected
    3848: 11:33:12.894 - Application will restart if files matching the following are changed: "dll;config"
    3848: 11:33:12.894 - Application will NOT restart if files matching the following are changed: "log4net.config"
    3848: 11:33:15.863 - Application: "Lite" started in app domain: 2
    3848: 11:33:15.863 - About to load application: LiteLobby from LiteLobby
    3848: 11:33:15.863 - Auto restart is enabled for application
    3848: 11:33:15.863 - Application will restart 10000ms after the last change detected
    3848: 11:33:15.863 - Application will restart if files matching the following are changed: "dll;config"
    3848: 11:33:15.863 - Application will NOT restart if files matching the following are changed: "log4net.config"
    3848: 11:33:18.472 - Application: "LiteLobby" started in app domain: 3
    3848: 11:33:18.472 - About to load application: MmoDemo from Photon.MmoDemo.Server
    3848: 11:33:18.472 - Auto restart is enabled for application
    3848: 11:33:18.472 - Application will restart 10000ms after the last change detected
    3848: 11:33:18.472 - Application will restart if files matching the following are changed: "dll;config"
    3848: 11:33:18.472 - Application will NOT restart if files matching the following are changed: "log4net.config"
    3848: 11:33:21.207 - Application: "MmoDemo" started in app domain: 4
    3848: 11:33:21.207 - About to load application: CounterPublisher from CounterPublisher
    3848: 11:33:21.207 - Auto restart is enabled for application
    3848: 11:33:21.207 - Application will restart 10000ms after the last change detected
    3848: 11:33:21.207 - Application will restart if files matching the following are changed: "dll;config"
    3848: 11:33:21.207 - Application will NOT restart if files matching the following are changed: "log4net.config"
    3848: 11:33:23.894 - ERROR: Failed to start application: "CounterPublisher" in app domain: 5
    3848: 11:33:23.894 - CService::OnException() - Exception: CManagedHost::StartApplication() - Failed to start application in AppDomain: 5 - The type initializer for 'Photon.CounterPublisher.SystemCounter' threw an exception.
    3848: 11:33:23.894 - Server shutting down...
    3848: 11:33:23.894 - Shutting down ENet host...
    3848: 11:33:23.894 - Disconnecting all peers...

    I tried Win64_xp, same problem.
    Win32, same.

    I will try disabling Counter Publisher, but I'm not really sure what that does exactly, and what I lose by disabling it.
  • Boris
    it reads system/photon counters and sends them to the dashboard (there is an install option in the photon control). The dashboard displays the counters, just like perfmon.
    The counter publisher log would be in the same directory where Lite.log etc are.. that's one folder above Photon binaries, right next to the app folders.
  • CounterPublisher.log
    2011-05-18 17:36:21,897 [1] INFO  PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager [(null)] - Stop
    2011-05-18 17:36:21,930 [1] INFO  Photon.SocketServer.Application [(null)] - Application stop: AppId=CounterPublisher; AppPath=R:\Emergence Online\Photon Server\deploy\CounterPublisher

    Nothing in the CounterPublisherCounter.log, it's empty.

    How can I disable CounterPublisher?
  • Boris
    just remove it from the photonserver.config
  • Tobias
    I can't reproduce the issue here and can't remember seeing this issue before.
    It might have to do with your configuration and the Windows Performance Counters. You could use PhotonControl to remove and re-add those of Photon and see if that works.
    If you agree to test this with us, we could add some more debugging info and send you a test version that might find the cause for this. This could happen next week or the week after it. It's quite busy.
  • Sorry to resurrect a thread from May, but I had this same exact issue earlier today and figured out how to solve it by perusing some Microsoft forum threads. I did first remove CounterPublisher from the config file per Boris's suggestion, but was not satisfied with that workaround so found this solution:

    Run "cmd" as administrator (required to prevent errors) and then enter the following command:

    C:\Windows\System32\lodctr /R

    This reset my Counters and fixed the error message that myself and the OP had.
  • Tobias
    Ah, good option. Thanks for sharing, Calidan