Profiler - using missing

Hi again,

After a clean import of your asset it tells me that in the file: "PhotonHandler.cs"
"The name 'Profiler' does not exist in the current context [Assembly-CSharp-firstpass]".
To fix that error, I have to add the following using: "using UnityEngine.Profiling;"

I use Visual Studio Code as code editor - does this change something, or is the using directive really missing?

Thanks, John


  • erickpassos
    This will be fixed in version 1.0.7 now. We'll use the new PUN version that is updated to Unity 5.5.
  • John05
    Great, thanks for you answer
  • Parrotmaster
    I have this same error, and adding "using UnityEngine.Profiling" does not fix it. The error only occurs when I try to build, and once it has happened I cannot run the game in-editor anymore unless I restart Unity.
  • JeffersonHenrique
    Hi @Parrotmaster, which version of Unity and TrueSync do you have?