Old Server Versions

Hey! Where can I get an older version of the Photon Server SDK (the one that runs on the server)? The current one is v3.4 but I'm trying to do something with an older client that requires an older version of the server (like v3.0.X or something, it was back in 2010 or so). Thanks in advance!


  • nacho
    Please, if you have any older versions it would really help me out!
  • chvetsov
    we will answer at monday/tuesday of the week
  • nacho
    Thanks, as far as I can see I would need version 2.X
  • Hi -

    we can't provide 2.x versions anymore. Sorry.
  • Hello everyone.
    Who has ever remained Photon Server v3-0-27-1684 or v3-0-24-3243?
    Really need it, but i can not find anywhere ((