Is there support for multiple local players?

I was wondering if there's support to play online with multiple players on one client? So say I've got 4 max player rooms, and 2 players are in one. Now 2 more players want to go online instead of playing locally, can they join that 2 player room, fill it, and the game start, or will it only count as 1 player?

Best Answer


  • dontonka
    Interesting :smiley:. I guess your use case make more sense on some platform than others. On mobile I feel this would be hard, as you would need the game to go into background to start the other client on the same device, which means on iOS or Android, that the previous might be killed at any point in time almost. Wait that would not even work, since you cannot start multiple instance of the same application as far as I know on those 2 platforms. So you would need different client as JohnTube mention.

    Please provide more information on what would be the actually use case you want to cover, because I'm confuse.

    If you want to support co-op / slip screen stuff, that would be really up to your game to manage, I don't see that really Photon related honestly. Your app detect there is 2 players in the room, so it split the screen in 2 for them to play together or against, while able seeing what the other do, it's really more a game / engine centric problem then the network engine solution you are using.


  • It's a single-screen top-down, similar to Towerfall in that sense. Target platforms being PC and consoles, not mobile, though you can't start more than one game at a time on consoles I'm pretty sure. So it would certainly need to be contained within one client.
    The problem is that, as far as I can tell, PhotonNetwork only contains functionality for one playerID, which means when my client joins a room, it's only going to count towards the player cap as one. I might need 2, 3, or 4. If there was some way I could control that number, I could find a way to deal with the playerID. Guess I'll just do a little fiddling and see what I can come up with.