Messages of history issue

edited December 2014 in Photon Chat

I have a problem with the subscribe function with messagesOfHistory argument issue.

I always call Subscribe(string[] channels) whenever I connect to photon chat,

But sometimes old messages are sent. Even when messagesOfHistory's value is zero(default)

For example, we're using different channel according to user's device(Android, or iOS).

But when I changed my device form Android to IOS, I see old messages I've got when I'm on with Android.

Is there any known issue about this? or how can I solve this problem?

Thanks in advance!


  • chvetsov
    well, we had something similar sometime ago.
    but problem was with same channel. Here you have problem with different channels, right?

    Another question do you use same user id when connect from iOS? is Android still connected?
    This also may happen, because server automaticly subscribes you to all channels which you have on other connection.
    I mean. if you subscribed channels 'a' and 'b' from android, and login with same user name from iOS, server will automaticly subscribe your iOS connection to channels 'a' and 'b'. you will be notified about subscription and you will get history