Operation Response - Send Hashtable

edited May 2011 in Photon Server

I have problems with sending arrays to the client.
ERROR UniverseQ_Libs.ServerApp - System.IO.InvalidDataException: Arrays of type 'System.Object' are not supported.
   at Photon.SocketServer.Rpc.Protocols.GpBinaryByte.GpBinaryByteWriter.WriteArray(IBinaryWriter writer, IList serObject)
   at Photon.SocketServer.Rpc.Protocols.GpBinaryByte.GpBinaryByteWriter.Write(IBinaryWriter writer, Object value, Boolean setType)
   at Photon.SocketServer.Rpc.Protocols.GpBinaryByte.GpBinaryByteProtocol.SerializeOperationResponseData(Stream stream, OperationResponse operationResponse)
   at Photon.SocketServer.Rpc.Protocols.GpBinaryByte.GpBinaryByteProtocol.SerializeOperationResponse(OperationResponse operationResponse)
   at Photon.SocketServer.PhotonPeer.SendOperationResponse(OperationResponse operationResponse)
   at Photon.SocketServer.Concurrency.ActionQueue.ExecuteAction(Action action)

Whats the best way to send a hashtable from the server to the client ?
I was thinking to serialize it to bytes and send it then or maybe i'm wrong ?




  • Boris
    The problem is not the hashtable, it's what's in it.
    The error says it can't serialize an array of objects.
    If you want to send custom types convert them to a byte array or a hashtable first.
  • Boris wrote:
    The problem is not the hashtable, it's what's in it.
    The error says it can't serialize an array of objects.
    If you want to send custom types convert them to a byte array or a hashtable first.

    I'm trying to send back a struct with the following types (int, string, string, DateTime, string).

    Is DateTime unable to be serialized? How would I go about converting my struct safely to a byte array to transport it from the server back to the client. I've been searching around but nothing seems to work. Maybe an example of packing it into a hashtable would be helpful. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  • Boris
    The struct is a custom type.
    Either put each property of your struct in a hashtable or use one operation response parameter per property.
    Again: Do NOT try to send a custom struct.