[URGENT] Unity 4.3.3f1 on WP8 crash

Unity 4.3.3f1 on WP8 crash

Windows 8.1
Photon3Unity3D DLL version

Works on editor, crash on mobile at <EstablishEncryption>

works fine on unity previous versions

if (this.requestSecurity || this.AuthValues != null)
//Debug.Log("requestSecurity : " +

this.requestSecurity + " - " + this.AuthValues. .ToString());
'TaskHost.exe' (CLR C:\windows\system32\coreclr.dll: Silverlight AppDomain): Loaded 'C:\windows\system32\en-US\mscorlib.debug.resources.dll'. Module was built without

A first chance exception of type 'System.MissingMethodException' occurred in Unknown Module.
An exception of type 'System.MissingMethodException' occurred in Unknown Module. but was not handled in user code
The program '[40] TaskHost.exe' has exited with code -1 (0xffffffff).


  • Qbit

    Second this: I'm facing similar problem on WP8 after upgrading to Unity 4.3.3. It works fine on iOS, Android, Editor (OS X and Windows) and WP8 in 4.3.1, so it is probably Unity issue, not Photon fault. Nevertheless please let me know if there is new information!

    Any help will be very much appreciated!

    Upd. Debug output:[code2=plain]'TaskHost.exe' (CLR C:\windows\system32\coreclr.dll: Silverlight AppDomain): Loaded 'C:\windows\system32\en-US\mscorlib.debug.resources.dll'. Module was built without symbols.
    A first chance exception of type 'System.MissingMethodException' occurred in Unknown Module.
    The thread 0xe68 has exited with code 259 (0x103).
    Exception: Method not found: 'System.TypeCode System.Type.GetTypeCode(System.Type)'.
    Type: System.MissingMethodException
    Module: Photon3Unity3D
    InnerException: <No Data>
    AdditionalInfo:<No Data>
    at ExitGames.Client.Photon.Protocol.Serialize(MemoryStream dout, Object serObject, Boolean setType)
    at ExitGames.Client.Photon.Protocol.SerializeParameterTable(MemoryStream memStream, Dictionary`2 parameters)
    at ExitGames.Client.Photon.Protocol.SerializeOperationRequest(MemoryStream memStream, Byte operationCode, Dictionary`2 parameters, Boolean setType)
    at ExitGames.Client.Photon.EnetPeer.SerializeOperationToMessage(Byte opc, Dictionary`2 parameters, EgMessageType messageType, Boolean encrypt)
    at ExitGames.Client.Photon.EnetPeer.EnqueueOperation(Dictionary`2 parameters, Byte opCode, Boolean sendReliable, Byte channelId, Boolean encrypt, EgMessageType messageType)
    at ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase.ExchangeKeysForEncryption()
    at ExitGames.Client.Photon.PhotonPeer.EstablishEncryption()
    at NetworkingPeer.OnStatusChanged(StatusCode statusCode)
    at ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase.InitCallback()
    at ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase.DeserializeMessageAndCallback(Byte[] inBuff)
    at ExitGames.Client.Photon.EnetPeer.DispatchIncomingCommands()
    at ExitGames.Client.Photon.PhotonPeer.DispatchIncomingCommands()
    at PhotonHandler.Update()
    at PhotonHandler.UnityFastInvoke_Update()[/code2]
    Related topic: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/223065-Unity-4-3-3-Type-GetMembers(BindingFlags)-crash
  • Tobias
    Hm, this seems to be a Unity related issue. Afaik, before 4.3.3, the Win 8 export worked.
    You are using PUN Free, right? The PUN+ version does not support Win Phone 8 yet and will break when you import those libs from the PUN Free package.
  • bbrome
    yes, and works fine with unity previous version... but as unity fix many related WP8 bugs, maybe better to investigate
  • Qbit
    Tobias wrote:
    The PUN+ version does not support Win Phone 8 yet and will break when you import those libs from the PUN Free package.

    So when will PUN+ start supporting WP8? Could you please provide some estimation?
  • Tobias
    I can't say really. I plan to do a PUN update soon. A month maybe?!
  • Tobias
    I checked the Win 8 Phone export and it's really a bug in Unity 4.3.3.
    There is a workaround and some hint that this gets fixed. I just don't know when.
    http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/223065 ... ndingFlags)-crash?p=1498405&viewfull=1#post1498405

    To put some pressure on this, you could report this issue as problem with GetTypeCode()
  • Tobias wrote:
    I can't say really. I plan to do a PUN update soon. A month maybe?!

    Sorry to BUMP this thread :D , any news update about a Windows Phone 8 compatible version of PUN+ ?
    I'm unable to launch my game anymore on WP8 with Pun Free, it crash at loading (I will post some details about the error soon) also i don't know if this is related to PUN Free, or WinRT_Legacy.dll.

    I used the WinRT_Legacy.dll from Unity 4.3.2 on Unity 4.3.4 as workaround, because i was not able to use JSON.NET AOT for Unity anymore (Missing Method etc...).

    Also, is your JSON.NET DLL special for PUN ? I must delete it when i import PUN, because it conflit with my JSON.NET AOT plugin. Does it affect the use of your plugin ?

    Thanks a lot !
  • Tobias
    The json.net.dll is nothing special for PUN. We also only use it in the wizard when you register a new account.
    I was working on updates of PUN and PUN+ but I don't know yet when I'm going to update the Asset Store. So much happening here, right now. Please bear with me.

    In worst case: Copy your PUN+ project, remove the photon files from assets\plugins\*photon*.*. Then start an import for PUN Free and only import the missing DLLs and the Win8 package. I think that should make your project Win 8 compatible. Don't forget to check the player capability "Internet Client".
  • Ho thanks for the tips !

    Actually, i was having PUN and PUN+ in the same project, but one copied in the WebTemplate folder, and was switching assets for WP8 at compilation, thanks to the Unity Build Pipeline.

    I will try this, i prefere to manage only one version of your client :D !

    Also thanks a lot for the "Internet Client" option...I TOTALLY forgot it ! My crash is maybe related to this !
    I will test this evening.

    Thanks a lot again for your reactivity !