JoinRandomRoom not working with Marmalade

edited January 2014 in Native

I am using the photon client SDK for Marmalade. When I connect to the cloud and create a game other clients will automatically join this game when I call JoinRandomRoom(). When I set up my own server with the newest server SDK and connect to it I always get the message that no matches are found. This is reproducible with the loadbalancing demo project that ships with the Marmalade SDK. The test client from the control panel runs fine.

Versions used are:
Marmalade 7.1
Server SDK
Client SDK

Can anyone reproduce this error?

Thanks a lot,



  • Kaiserludi
    Hi Jannik.

    This sounds like you may not have configured the game server public ips of your Photon server, correctly.
    You can do that in the following way:
    start Photon Control -> Game Server IP Config -> "Set public IP" or "Set autodetect public IP"
  • Hi,

    found the problem. It seems that two players with the same name can not join the same room. When explicitly joining the room I get the error message "User blocked". When I set different names it works as expected.

    Why does the server sdk behave differently than the cloud?

  • Kaiserludi
    This is a bug in the current Server SDK, that will be fixed in the next release. It's already fixed on the cloud, because the version thats currently used on the cloud is newer than the one from the last server sdk release.