Does PUN or PUN+ work with Web Player?

Does PUN or PUN+ work with Web Player? I cannot deploy my game to web, because one of the PUN DLLs is creating TypeLoadExceptions.


  • Tobias
    I can't reproduce those.
    For the Webplayer, we don't use the native libs and it should work out of the box.

    Please check if you got more than one .dll file in your project. Especially if you upgraded from older PUN versions.
    Also try to import PUN+ into a new, empty project and build that for web.
  • Fixed it. It was my JSON.NET DLL conflicting with the one that is shipped with Photon. I got rid of mine, and use the Photon version.
  • Tobias
    Great you found a solution. Thanks for letting us know.
    I wonder why this is a problem for the player when we clearly copied "our" json assembly to the Editor folder.
  • I had my own in Assets/Plugins, you had yours in a different folder. Unity has trouble resolving these things.