Problems connecting on regular basis

I've got a good grip on how to setup a game using Photon and so far am really enjoying it...until this evening. I am currently setup using the cloud with an appid and the free 20 CCU license. Looking at my dashboard it seems my connections are all going to EU as well instead of the US. Looking at my PhotonServerSettings in the project, it seems to be set to instead of It seems that almost every time I now try to create a room I get the following error:

Authentication failed: 'Invalid authentication' Code: 1
PhotonHandlerebugReturn(DebugLevel, String) (at Assets/Photon Unity Networking/Plugins/PhotonNetwork/PhotonHandler.cs:127)
NetworkingPeerebugReturn(DebugLevel, String) (at Assets/Photon Unity Networking/Plugins/PhotonNetwork/NetworkingPeer.cs:709)
NetworkingPeer:OnOperationResponse(OperationRespon se) (at Assets/Photon Unity Networking/Plugins/PhotonNetwork/NetworkingPeer.cs:755)
PhotonHandler:Update() (at Assets/Photon Unity Networking/Plugins/PhotonNetwork/PhotonHandler.cs:65)

I get this on both my PC's that I am trying to test on. I actually get this message if I setup a localhost server as well. The other error message I get from time to time is this:

createGame failed, client stays on masterserver: OperationResponse 227: ReturnCode: 32766 (A game with the specified id already exist.). Parameters: {}.
PhotonHandlerebugReturn(DebugLevel, String) (at Assets/Photon Unity Networking/Plugins/PhotonNetwork/PhotonHandler.cs:127)
NetworkingPeerebugReturn(DebugLevel, String) (at Assets/Photon Unity Networking/Plugins/PhotonNetwork/NetworkingPeer.cs:709)
NetworkingPeer:OnOperationResponse(OperationRespon se) (at Assets/Photon Unity Networking/Plugins/PhotonNetwork/NetworkingPeer.cs:846)
PhotonHandler:Update() (at Assets/Photon Unity Networking/Plugins/PhotonNetwork/PhotonHandler.cs:65)

Any insight into either what I'm doing wrong and a possible solution would be greatly appreciated.


  • I am having the same problem since this morning, I was about to post a thread myself, but that isn't necessary anymore I guess.
    Everything was working fine yesterday when I closed the project to work on a little side project(which has no photon stuff in it, so a duplicate AppID does not actually make much sense).
    Nothing really changed and now I get those exact same errors, mostly the Code:1 error, and every now and then the other one.

    If more people are having this problem, maybe it is an error on the server side?
  • Pru
    Also started getting this problem this morning. Never seen it before in 4 months of using Photon.
  • I, too, started seeing terrible connection problems since around 8:30 EST last night. They stopped around 12:00, but are back up. I even tried using a build that I made 3 weeks ago that I KNOW works. Therefore, I concluded that it's server-side.

    I don't know for sure, but that's my assumption. It would connect/disconnect/connect/disconnect etc. for 3-12 times before actually staying connected
  • Tobias
    We're on it. An update introduced unknown issues and we're fixing it now.
    Nicole will update you guys.
    Sorry for the inconvenience.
  • Gamieon
    I had the problem as well until about 12 hours ago; at that time I was able to connect again. I just now tried getting in, and I got the 'Invalid authentication' Code: 1 as before.

    After another attempt five minutes later, I was able to connect just fine.

    Perhaps the issue is intermittent at this point?
  • I'm having the same issue. Its about a 50/50 chance that the authentication will work correctly when it tries to connect. I'm just starting the conversion to make my project multiplayer capable with photon but if this is any testament to the clouds reliability, I think I may use something else.
  • problem seems to be solved now, just started up unity again, and everything seems to be working again!
  • problem seems to be solved now, just started up unity again, and everything seems to be working again!

    I agree. This seems to be the case for me as well
  • Tobias
    Sorry for the inconvenience. By now, all should be resolved.
  • carmine
    This is happening again. Any ideas?
  • We are not aware of any issues in general. Please send me your application ID, region and affected times (per PM).