Calling Service

edited February 2013 in Flash (deprecated)
Hi There,

I've read in the docs to regularly call service in order to keep a constant connection.

Could you provide the correct AS3 syntax for this call. I'm using the load balancing demo as a base for my project if that makes a difference.

I'm guessing I can call the service on a looping timer but I just need the correct code for this.

Thanks in advance.


  • vadim

    Which version of Flash SDK do you use?
    Flash client should keep connection automatically without any service() calls by user. Probably there is a bug in current implementation.
    If you experience disconnects try workaround this by sending any event every 5 sec.
  • I'm using Version

    Its rare that the connection gets closed and maybe only after no calls have been made recently. I just thought this should be implemented as I read about it in the docs.

    No probs - thanks Vadim.