Connecting with multiple local players


Simple question here, can i have multiple players on the same client join a room online and count as two players, there's only one player ID per client...
i'm about to try a workaround with slot reservation and do weird things to make it work, but if there's a cleaner way, that would be great... couldn't find any interesting post on the matter so far.

thanks for the help =D


  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2017
    Hi @MagicDesign,

    Thank you for choosing Photon!

    One player counts as a client/CCU/actor. You can have multiple local clients per app but it's not recommended.
    You can make a complex solution by having 2 logical players in one client by separating input and objects to each one. But this is also a headache.

    Could you tell us more about your use case?
  • MagicDesign
    Hey, thanks for the quick answer!

    The goal is to have two players on the same computer playing with others online, like in rocket league for example ( i can't think of other games that let you play multiple local players + online... super smash bros maybe?) the game is for PC (eventually consoles). I'm trying what you're saying right now (two logical players in one client, separate inputs...) i already had the input manager done well so it might not be so much of a headache.

    i'll update if i manage to do it =D
  • MagicDesign
    Ok, i made it, separated inputs, and using room slot reservation with fake names ( player1name + [somenumber] ), my players spawn like they should, and can see each others moving the way they should, i can have 3 players on the same computer and one online... or 2vs2. or 2 vs 1. the "choose player" screen works fine too! the message count whith multiple players is not so bad either.