Importing Photon Voice to unity project with Photon realtime

i just recently imported the photon voice to my unity game which already had the photon realtime and i am getting this error
(i did not uncheck any of the import files, imported it with its default files).

Assets/Photon Unity Networking/Demos/DemoChangeOwner/DemoOwnershipGui.cs(41,58): error CS1061: Type `PhotonPlayer' does not contain a definition for `IsMasterClient' and no extension method `IsMasterClient' of type `PhotonPlayer' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Assets/Photon Unity Networking/Demos/DemoChangeOwner/DemoOwnershipGui.cs(48,46): error CS1061: Type `PhotonPlayer' does not contain a definition for `IsMasterClient' and no extension method `IsMasterClient' of type `PhotonPlayer' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)


  • vadim
    Photon Voice goes with PUN inside but w/o PUN demos. With Photon Voice import, you updated PUN which has breaking api changes. The simplest solution will be deleting broken demos if you do not need them.