Tutorial 004 and 005

About halfway into tutorial 004 https://doc.photonengine.com/en-us/bolt/current/advanced-tutorials/chapter-4 I encountered a problem where the tutorial was showing this https://gyazo.com/236f506a3d00555d218b0662b246497f while I only had these 3 under my player scripts( assets/tutorial/scripts/player: https://gyazo.com/8e281f94ee2efe376683a186ffc07296

I am missing a lot of those files and I have no Idea where or how the tutorial got them from. I think I followed the tutorial perfectly and went through it many times trying to find the error. I skipped ahead and tried to finish the tutorial but everything is getting errors because it cant find those missing files. Anyone know where I went wrong?


  • xxcellerator
    edited September 2016
    I think the tutorial is just out of date by quite a bit or I am just missing something, i am not sure. Does anyone know a good tutorial that is up to date?

    It is saying "GetBoltState()" doesn't exist in boltentity but it is mentioned many times in the tutorial.
  • Thanks for pointing these out, will address them. Currently planning on doing a big rewrite of the tutorial to make it much better. If you need help understanding the mecanim sync and authoritative shooting please ask in the Bolt Slack.