[SOLVED] - Bootcamp demo fix for Photon 3 RC 1

edited September 2011 in DotNet

Using this as a training for myself, i've corrected the Bootcamp client demo for Photon 3 RC 1.
You can get it there :


  • Tobias
    Cool! Thanks for sharing.
    Do you have any feedback about the upgrading process we should know?
  • The modifications were quite easy to do with the current documentation.
    The only thing that was a little bit annoying was the new code numerotation (descending from 255 instead of ascending).
    But the point is more related to hard coded values in the demo code like :
    Hashtable properties = (Hashtable)eventData[(byte)249];
    that was
    Hashtable properties = (Hashtable)eventData[(byte)14];

    I think that instead hard coded values there should be enum or const somewhere in the demo :)
  • Tobias
    We usually don't use hardcoded values for that same reason. I wasn't aware they are used in there.

    Thanks for the heads up. When we find the time, it's going to be updated.