need help under Construc2


i try to use photon on construct 2 and i have a problem

i was looking at the Demo-test and i try to past the event in a new projet
but i have a problem

when i try to connect to log in, logout and re log in in a room with a other pseudo the server keep my old pseudo


j' ai un petit probleme avec photon sous construct 2

j'ai fait un programme pour essayer de comprendre Photon, en m'aidant de Demo-test

et mon probleme viens du fait que si je me log , delog et tente de me relog avec un nouveau pseudo le serveur garde mon ancien pseudo

je ne suis pas programmeur, juste un casual mais jaimerais vraiment reussir a faire un jeu pvp

i would like to thank you for reading and sorry english is not my native


  • vadim

    Can you be more concrete. Which properties of which objects have values other than expected?
    What is exact sequence of action you execute?
    We do not have 'pseudo' (nickname?) concept in Photon C2 plugin
    You can use "set my actor name" before connection to set player name.
  • siriusraine
    here is my event sheet