If I can't use rigidbodies to move my character. How do I go about blasting a player away?

Hi guys!

I've been a long time lurker and I'm trying to learn photon bolt.

If I can't use rigidbodies to move my character. How do I go about blasting a player away from an explosion in an authoritative manner? Do I need to code my own physics movement in my player controller?


  • stanchion
    That's probably a good way to go, you already have to handle gravity yourself using the character controller. You can also use a rigidbody (disabled on non owner) and have the actual player as a child that you lerp yourself. That works around the rigidbody not working with the client side prediction and so on.
  • Lii
    The 2nd option sounds really good. Just to elaborate so that I understand clearly. On the host/server I have rigidbody game objects that are parents of the bolt entities / players. And the bolt entities then send their positional information across the network, thus replication ridigbody movements?
  • stanchion
    The rigidbody is the parent/entity, the "player" that is rendered is a child.