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Stuck on ConnectingToNameServer

2015-12-29 23:17:13

I am just starting my first turn based game using Photon Network.

I downloaded the SDK for Unity (5) and am following the getting start intro page.

It seemed to work for a little bit. I was able to create a room and I saw it show up in the statistics page.

It was showing one room and 2 ccu.

Now whenever I run my app either in the Unity Editor or on my iPhone I am getting stuck in a state of ConnectingToNameServer.

I don't know if it was always doing that or not because before when it was working I was not logging what state the system was in.

When it stopped working that is when I added in my logging code to see what was happening.

Here is my whole script (PhotonEventHandler is derived from LoadBalancingClient and sends all events to my GameManagerScript which is below:

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using ExitGames.Client.Photon.LoadBalancing;
using ExitGames.Client.Photon;

public class GameManagerScript : MonoBehaviour
static public string PhotonAppId = "removed for privacy in posting to this forum, but is valid";



2016-01-03 20:33:56

One way to check if its an app problem or internet problem. Is to download photon server and use the load balancing app. Its pretty much exactly like photon cloud.

Something with your pun also might have gotten messed up. The connect to master server state is kind of automagical and shouldnt really require much from you.

Take a new scene, and put an empty game object in the sene. Attach the script "connect and join random" in the photon ulitiy scripts folder. Start the scene and see if you still have problems. If you do it might be a connection problem and not a code problem.

2022-11-08 16:16:15

I ended up not moving forward with this project, but wanted to thank you (very late) for your reply.

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