Are there any bandwidth limitations?
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Are there any bandwidth limitations?
2015-12-24 14:15:56
I am considering using Photon Networking, however I wanted to ask a few questions first. I am using the Unity 3D game engine, and I've tried their built-in Unet networking api. I found, however, that they have a bandwidth limit of 4 kb/s per player, which during testing of my game, often goes over this limit and causes my game to disconnect -- which is very annoying.
I was wondering if the Photon servers have any such bandwidth limits (especially on the upload from server to clients)? Specifically, I'm looking for servers than can support 1 Mbit per connected player (and at least for now) there will be a maximum of 4 players total for my specific game.
Thank you for any information.
-- Velo
2015-12-24 14:33:57
I'm not sure if Photon Server has any bandwidth limits because I use the Photon Cloud for my game. Generally, most devs run their own servers and have Photon run on it. If you're planning to switch to Photon, I would start with the Photon Cloud so you can familiarize yourself with the API, then if you want to, switch to an on-premise Photon Server. In the Cloud, server hosting is done for you.
As for your 4-player limit, do you mean four players per room/server?
- Jake
@JJNCreator wrote:
I'm not sure if Photon Server has any bandwidth limits because I use the Photon Cloud for my game. Generally, most devs run their own servers and have Photon run on it. If you're planning to switch to Photon, I would start with the Photon Cloud so you can familiarize yourself with the API, then if you want to, switch to an on-premise Photon Server. In the Cloud, server hosting is done for you.
As for your 4-player limit, do you mean four players per room/server?
- Jake
Yes, perhaps I'm thinking of Photon Cloud then, sorry. I guess whatever it is called where the server hosting is done for you (like you mentioned). Run by the Photon company (Exit Games maybe?). Do those servers have a bandwidth limit (i.e. would 1 Mbit per player be feasible on their servers)?
For your question, yes I mean four players per room, or put another way, 4 players per game instance.
Thank you for your reply.
2015-12-24 15:24:15
Velo said: Yes, perhaps I'm thinking of Photon Cloud then, sorry. I guess whatever it is called where the server hosting is done for you (like you mentioned). Run by the Photon company (Exit Games maybe?). Do those servers have a bandwidth limit (i.e. would 1 Mbit per player be feasible on their servers)?For your question, yes I mean four players per room, or put another way, 4 players per game instance.
There's no stated bandwidth limit, but I would keep managing data at a minimum. To answer your question about your four players, you can set up a max limit of players when creating a room. Something like this:
PhotonNetwork.JoinOrCreateRoom(yourRoomName, new RoomOptions()
maxPlayers = 4,
customRoomPropertiesForLobby = propsToDisplay,
customRoomProperties = gameProps,
isVisible = true
}, null);
- Jake
@JJNCreator wrote:
Velo said: Yes, perhaps I'm thinking of Photon Cloud then, sorry. I guess whatever it is called where the server hosting is done for you (like you mentioned). Run by the Photon company (Exit Games maybe?). Do those servers have a bandwidth limit (i.e. would 1 Mbit per player be feasible on their servers)?For your question, yes I mean four players per room, or put another way, 4 players per game instance.
There's no stated bandwidth limit, but I would keep managing data at a minimum. To answer your question about your four players, you can set up a max limit of players when creating a room. Something like this:
PhotonNetwork.JoinOrCreateRoom(yourRoomName, new RoomOptions()
maxPlayers = 4,
customRoomPropertiesForLobby = propsToDisplay,
customRoomProperties = gameProps,
isVisible = true
}, null);
- Jake
Sounds good, thanks Jake. Yes, my goal is to keep the bandwidth as low as possible of course (when everything is done). But being able to optimize my networking code is something I'll have to learn over time. For now though, I need some wiggle room in bandwidth to be able to make some mistakes if they happen.
2015-12-24 15:35:03
Velo said: Sounds good, thanks Jake. Yes, my goal is to keep the bandwidth as low as possible of course (when everything is done). But being able to optimize my networking code is something I'll have to learn over time. For now though, I need some wiggle room in bandwidth to be able to make some mistakes if they happen.
Glad I could help. Let me know how your game goes.
- Jake
Hi, Velo.
Yes, Photon Server has its limits. As you understand we may not allow one application to take all bandwiths, so that all others will suffer. But good news is that it is configurable
You may start develop your game with Local server. Just download our Server sdk
for your local config you may set any limit you like. when you finish you may try either with cloud or with private cloud or with your own hosting. Last two will allow you apply custom configuration and custom logic on server side