General Questions

Hi! i just have a question or two.

How does photon work with login systems? does it have its own? or do you have to do that all separately

second question. If Photon does have a way of dealing with this, what package would you recommend getting for a for a mmo type game? not turn based.

Thanks for your time!


  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi @GreenPls,

    To answer your first question, I think you should read more about Photon's support for Custom Authentication.

    About Photon and MMO, in my opinion, hosting your own Photon server and being able to add your custom code using Photon server SDK is the way to go. Please wait for other answers to come to confirm this.
  • Serphimera
    Hi @GreenPls,

    the answer of the first question is depending on what you will use in the future.

    If you go with the PhotonCloud that you should read about what @JohnTube mentioned.
    If you go with your own Photon Server implementation that you are really free to use whatever you want and what is somehow connectable to C#

    To answer the second question you should know that something like a MMO requires definitely your own implementation with the Photon Server SDK and therefore the answer for authentication is the same as on question one.

    If you have further questions please let me know.